Tuesday, February 25, 2014


The writing is still going well for me.
I've taken another look at "Ghost in the forest of goldshire" and im in the process of making my final pass at it. The voices are smoother and i plan to post it soon on citique circle for a peer review. then one more rewrite and ill re post it here.

The "Priest" story is also in the first final run through. After this re-write ill set it down for a month or two then hit it again.

Saw this link to Walter Mosely interview on you tube yesterday that was so welcomed. Loved how to the point he is and plan to apply his advice to my own writing habits.

It's one of those uphill phases right now; when you have to force yourself to write instead of feeling like it.
I find that its true once you soilder on it happens.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014


Who are these young that hurry before me?
I see your confidence 
Smell your dreams
How you struggle to stay current and so eagerly seek acceptance.

I stumble along in my broken gait
My arthritic joints just painful enough to make their presence felt
And wonder what happend to my strong youthful body.
When did I cease that worthless pursuit?
What happened to my dreams?

They remain of course, though now only as slowly dying embers as opposed to a cracking fire.
I continue ever on even at this snails pace.
The dashing to and fro for me appears long gone.

I think too much.
So many times I've heard it
As if one can simply turn it off.

It is me!
It is my essence.
Better to say 

"stop breathing!"
"Stop dreaming!"

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Friday, February 7, 2014


Still working the priest story and he still keeps evolving.
I'm now seeing the wisdom of getting the bare bones of the story down.
You cut all of the fat out with your razor then there's just the lines and where it ends.
Then you go back adding tone and colors; you make it live!
Well, try anyway.
I love it.
I'm just sorry I got there so late.
So much wasted time.
Ah well, such is life for some.  :)

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Haven't forgotten you.
I just don't want to fill these pages with useless whinning.
I see enough of that on twitter.

Still working on "the drifting Priest"
Breaking it up into short stories and pretty much done before the final run through.
After that I'll post it for reviews in various places, consider the feedback and do another revision after it cools down
Not sure what the next project is but the Ghostwand" story needs a restructuring and it's been cooling a few months now so probably that.
As always
"Thanks for Listening"