Monday, June 29, 2015

29Jun2015 wandering priest finished

It's done.
28 pages and it's as good as I can make it right now.
Perhaps after a cooling off I may go back and I already have plans for a secquel.

Now I have to settle on a new project. Will decide tomorrow and start then.
I'm been writing everyday solidly for a few months now. Good for me!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

9Jun2015 blue Tuesday

Down today for the first time in weeks. Managed to write some, but the amount was pathetic.
I swear sometimes when the sun doesn't shine I sink. I doubt, despair, and lament the waste of my life. Writing becomes a waste of time , a hopeless cause.
Back in the day I'd drown the shit with tons of beer.
Now I write. It's like the say, once you start things get better. There's something else to focus on that can be controlled and maybe made better.  :)

Friday, June 5, 2015

Currents 6jun2015

I know it's been awhile. Truth is I'm unsure what this blog is really about. 
I started out wanting to document my writers journey but there's so much of that done so much better I thought "nah." I think people would be bored.
Thought about the personal angle but find it difficult to share in general. Hence the sporadic postings.
Still I'm writing everyday, at least an hour in the morning and a couple at night. I'm currently exiting rewrite hell finally with Priests first story. I think I'll post it here as a sort of victory lap then move on to his next one.