Sunday, August 23, 2015

24Aug15 technically blocked

Kind of anyway.
The past few days family has been home during my writing time so there is no peace, no quiet for the needed concentration. I am left with creating in my mind for later composition which is a no no.

I'm closer than ever to being organized these days. I have my writing routine and an exercise program and feel good about myself. Still the darkness and doubt crawl the fringes, looking for a crack, an in to make you question it all. Why? What's the use? The usual. 
I stride ever forward.
Hang is creeping along at fifty pages and I have an idea for my African warrior out of time. Still chip at the random acts short story too.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

18Aug15 Hang updates and others

The Hunter still survives.
My lap top crashed on me a few days ago so. My work was backed up so no loss but it still constitutes a disruption in my routine. I had to resort to writing on my Ipad and while convienient the processing program in clunky at best. Luckily my son got my laptop back online so things are good.

I keep wanting to give up on this piece. I feel like it does not challenge me as a writer, like ive read and heard this same tale a million times. I know my work has improved but it feels hackneyed. I keep at it because i only get better by doing the work! I have a few ideas for new, more challenging material but need to complete this first; so i dabble here and there dropping notes or the occasional paragraph to keep the dream alive. Fifty pages into the Hunter now; more than i've ever done with one story. 

See? Progress!

Monday, August 10, 2015

10aug15 hang update

Haven't worked on him today. I'm at that bored wall I imagine writers get to from time to time.
I've grown tired of their faces and need a break.
I feel terrible about it because I'm a firm believer in the quote from I believe Chuck Windig who said "finish your shit!" Not finishing makes me a quitter.

That's not to say I'm not writing. I'm back on "Random Acts". It started out as something to do on the iPad when the laptop wasn't available but it's fun and I'm kind of goin with it. I'll try and do both even though that probably breaks another rule :)

Monday, August 3, 2015

3Aug15 hang update

Haven't worked on the hunter for two days now. It's because I've been tweaking "priest Drifting" for watt pad. I posted that story today so I'll be back at the Hunter tonight.
I feel a little bad because I broke my personal rule of working it till it's finished EVERY day, but only a little bad because I'm still writing in some form.

I can see how I've improved as a writer in both stories as they are re writes and continuations. Even with the obvious improvement I cringe at my obvious lack of detail, probably from my lack of patience.
I have always been that way, I'm hoping it will develop into some form of style as it's clearly not going away. (Smile)