Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Still at work on various projects. I'm striving to finish all of them but the enthusiasm lags after a time.
Working on the piec I want to finish before I die. It is the most challenging I've tried. In the early stages but the structure is coming together.

Not concerned withurning sixty anymore. Too many other things to do. University of New Orleans is sponsoring a get together for people interested in their masters of fine arts program for English.
It's god talking to me. Time to get back to work do I'll be there. Still need the three letters from my professors but I'll bite the bullet and get them.

Friday, September 25, 2015

25Sep15 Joba beginnings

My birthday was yesterday. I'm now sixty years old. The very though was devastating yesterday. I literally felt like I would die that day. It was a day of reflection on all I'd failed to accomplish. I hated myself even more than usual. (Smile)
Such a drama queen.
Was fine today. Same ol same.
Put a halt to Hang for now. After a long talk with my friend Jason I knew I had to start working on the one novel I wanted to complete before I die. The Joba thing is it though I'll change his name.
I want to tackle all the questions I ask but never get answers to. Want to do something of substance.
Once I finish it I can indulge in writing for profit. Moods ok. Life is just life. No one gets out alive. :)

Thursday, September 17, 2015

17Sep15 updates

Still alive.
       The Hang story is at fifty seven and growing though slowly. Also working on part two of the "priest" story, mostly rough outlining but it feels like it'll be fun.

       Working today on getting my packages together for grad school.
Am requesting to be accepted into both the Creative Writing and professional writers programs. 
The creative one is the dream but of course it's a highly selective thing. 
       Rough drafted my request letter for one and downloaded the form for requesting recommendations from previous instructors. I hate that part. I always feel like I'm begging for approval; now I know the instructors don't feel that way. They couldn't be better. I'm just such a prideful fucking asshole.

        Still, I'm excited. I feel like I'm moving forward again.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

1Sep15 update

Still writing. The Hang story is still in play but I seem more inspired working on random acts.
Hangs story comes too easily for me and feels so been there done that. 
Random acts has me probing Carrion's motivations and self loathing. He's harder to write truly as is the story in general because it's not so much escapist fare as variations on an alternate reality.