Thursday, December 31, 2015

31Dec15 end of days

Fuckin 2015 baby; out the door!

So damn fast

Faster the older you get.

Shit gets so clear as time goes. All the good you could've/ should've done?
God knows your heart

He's already judged.

"Already judged." There's freedom in that statement; Clarity.   Your hell, or heaven is already ready.
Good or bad behavior from this point on is a non factor. Im free, already damned or blessed.

I have tried getting my work out there via the social network. I am a failure. 

I refuse to share. 

Not sure why that is. I used to love talking to others. Now I read other pages both social and professional and find both boring and self promoting. unless I have a personal connection to them I just shake my head moving on.

Clearly they feel the same about mine. Lol

It's safe to say I'm a failure with this brand of social interacting. (Smile)
That's ok. I know what I am.

Monday, December 21, 2015

21Dec15 Xmas damn near here.

Well, it is.
I have to confess the spirit is lacking this year. I think the older I get the less I'm open to it for some stupid reason. Probably my general cynicism amplified by gray rainy skies and old age (smile).

I exaggerate. I'm in a good place. I'm still writing which is always the main thing and still physically active though it's fallen off some due to the holiday routine of the others occupying the house.

Hang the Hunter keeps expanding as I layer in more detail. I am still working on breaking my habit of saying more with less. I realize the reader needs a little more color, a little more patience from me.
Chipped at the "found while dreaming" story too for the first time in a month. Wanted to dive back into it but have to stick with Hang. I really must, finish what I start.

Speaking of starts, schools about three weeks away. I've already started reading "The Secret Agent" by Joseph Conrad. Part of me hates that I'm back reading stuff that they want instead of what I want but nobody's fault but mine.

Monday, December 14, 2015

14Dec15 update

Finally got my classes in. Let's hope there are no problems with the financial aid. The process was stressful, part of a bad day in general. You know how you wake up and one little thing after another goes wrong?

Didn't get the classes I wanted because I registered too late. I looked around for someone to blame but knew who the ass was. Now I'm stuck with three reading classes. 

African writing and how it's changed, the novel as a genre, and fiction writing at the turn of the century and how it was affected by culture, environment,ectera. All heavy reading, all requiring two, ten to fifteen page papers with bibliographies.
I'm a notoriously slow reader, I hope having read some of the material helps.

No writing classes. They're reserved for the true writing students.
I'll muddle through. I like reading and writing papers, while not fiction is still writing.