Yeah yeah i know it's been a while. Try looking at it from my perspective! Oh wait, then I'd have to tell you all the personal hell I'd been going through. Nope! Not doing that! Besides, I'm being overly dramatic. Things are fine.
Just finished the re-write of "Summer Sixty Seven." I can do no more damage to it! The original is posted on wattpad but this one i plan to actually submit! wish me luck.
My next project is about a fallen angel. I wrote a short story about him, oh twenty or so years ago. My friend Jason always liked it so i thought I'd check in on him, I'll keep you posted.
Fucking Grad school! One more shot at the Comprehensive! If i don't pass it this time by God, i will be a one class short of a Master's havin motherfucker! Here me. I am done with the system! The clock is ticking and i have no more time to dedicate to a degree that I've already reaped so many benefits from but cannot obtain the one piece of paper that puts a bow on the whole thing.
I have been in close contact with my adviser and see that my plan was shit the previous attempts. She has graciously agreed to work with me to achieve this final goal and i cannot thank her enough. Now i just need to get and remain motivated! Again, wish me luck.