Thursday, January 30, 2014


Life continuing to throw up roadblocks. What else is new?
Well, sometimes you can see the reason for it.
One can spend months angry and constantly saying "why me lord?" 

sometimes it takes months for the reason to present itself.
I'm going to spare you details here but I understand why things fell the way they did for me.
One always needs to remember you are not alone on this earth and I forgot that for a time.
It is soo easy to think just about yourself.
 So easy in fact you barely notice you're doing it after awhile.

Meanwhile those depending on you move blithely along, confident in the belief that you will eventually come to your senses. Thier faith is so humbling.

A sneaky slinking train wreck of a person crawls along plotting and planning. 

He is perfectly willing to sacrifice them on the alter of his vile needs but their faith never waivers.

He eventually realizes all the studying, all his pompous behavior is nothing!
He missed the whole thing!
The real truth, the real purpose for exsistance was always right there.
in them, believing in you even when they KNEW you were a piece of shit.

Be better people.
I know we've sucked in the past; I hear you we may not ever be able to make it up.
But start now anyway. Can't make things worse.

Didn't write okay and feel terrible about it.
In one of those "my writing sucks!" Phases.
I shall persevere. (Smile)

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