Friday, October 9, 2015

09Oct15 today

Yeah yeah yeah, the writing shot is still goin on. But I wanna bitch a little, whine even, about love.

We spend our whole lives practically seeking it. Then we get it and it sucks! Oh it's sweet for awhile. You float around high on a drug you can't buy for any price thinking "finally!"

Then reality sets in. You find it rarely goes both ways and if it does it rarely has longevity. Frequently you end up alone lost in the cycle of does she really love me or am I fulfilling a need.
It ends in pain so often that I wonder why God hard wired us to even feel it. People would be so much happier with a simple contract stating their needs and the things they will not tolerate.  That would work splendidly for a couple in agreement, but usually it's a one sided thing. He loves her she kinda loves him. He loves her she loves some of the things he does and he's no trouble. You catch my meaning.
I'm just bitching. No one shall be named and I hate that I even felt desperate enough to have to resort to voicing it here. Still...
Thank you for listening.

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