Saturday, December 24, 2016

24Dec16 blog task #2

Your political views and how you feel about politics in general.

Socialist, fuck yeah! Share the wealth! How can you as a living breathing human being have so fucking much, look around and say "oh well, it sucks to be you." Or "I got mine, get yours." Or the ever popular "the one who dies with the most toys wins."

There is so much in this world. What slips through the cracks in our defense budget alone could finance healthcare, education, and housing for everyone. My God it seems like a no brainer. Instead we allow our politicians to feed into our unfounded fears. We the people passively allow ourselves to be lulled to sleep by tired rhetoric, happily believing ourselves safe from a threat never really realized.

I preach but am guilty of keeping my own head down. Weary from the sheer weight of data I ignore things, waiting for it all to fall beer in hand.

I have seen my passivity made disturbingly clear through the eyes of a friend. One who feels so passionately about these things it drives her to tears. I looked on that sweet caring continence and knew shame. Shielded for so long by my indifference to the point of being almost numb she reminds me to be better, to do more, not Just analyize.
Now, let's hope that's not just rationalization on my part.

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