Tuesday, August 29, 2017

updates 29AUG17

Submitted my manuscript for my thesis project yesterday. Seventy two pages but probably a few more before it's finished. I had to force myself to stop thinking about it last night. As a writer like i mentioned in previous posts, its necessary to let the work rest, see it with new eyes before messing with it again. Still the mind wants to list all the things you believe need fixing. I managed to ignore that urge, instead i started working the one I'd let rest while working on Jordan and his problems.

Its about a loner spacer type, brokenhearted, they all seem to be brokenhearted; who joins a mercenary expedition to deep space in search of a fabled lost ship. I have the structure of the thing down but not the body, that lumpy thing that needs molding and shaping to become a real story. It's nice to be poking around in different peoples heads. The constant working on Jordan's tale has made me hyper aware of problems with Cornelius and how his tale must be told.

Its amazing rereading your work and seeing the progress, and where you need to improve. Then you read something written by Mark Twain a couple hundred years ago and are completely floored. Just a handful of pages but the layers and depth of characters! i am humbled. Not discouraged mind you, just...realizing how much more there is to learn. So i put the head down and get back to work.

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