Saturday, October 7, 2017

Updates 07Oct17

Received feedback on my manuscript finally.
It was good overall which is nice, but I knew that. What I was really waiting on was her pointing out the little things I'd missed.

 As a writer you wouldn't complete the work if you didn't think it good.  I knew the story was solid enough. My concern was missing the little something that could be really big.

Shout outs to my professor Dr. Johanna Leake. Others questioned my choice but I know her,  Dr. Kuchta and dr. Bryant, to have the eye. They never sugar coated their critique of my previous work and more importantly, every instance pointed out they were correct about.

So, I'm about twenty pages into the rewrite and up against it. About a month to get it straight, study and pass the comprehensive, write a final paper and defend my manuscript. 
All that and I'm still confident, still determined. 

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