Saturday, November 19, 2011


Consumed with gloom. (smile)
Alas another one of those dark moods threatening to ruin everything despite the sunshine.
Im fighting today though. Plan to go out and make myself do something...nice, for me.

Going to buy me some guitar strings. My guitar has been catching dust beside the couch next to me for years now. Lately i have been listening to music again though and the urge to play has come back. My goals seem much clearer now. Its for the pure visceral joy of playing as opposed to the ego strokes i sought so vigerously in my youth.
I have been listening to Patty Griffin and she's completely reinspired me lol.
i plan to learn her songs and just walk around at home playing girl folk songs out loud.
I think my deep broken voice wil add a certain charm to her sad songs.
been listening to Dylan too. Im so folked out these days lol.
anyway. wanting to keep things kind of updated here so ive accomplished that much at least today. (smile)

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