Friday, December 13, 2013

The purge

The time finally came.

They had been with him for years
Comforting him, 
The only light in darkness
 hope when there was just the barest whisper left.
They had become his warm,comfy sanctuary.

Then his waking nightmare.

their very presence caused him pain.
They were the same physically
They behaved as they always had 
but his reception was now different.
Now he yelled at them,
cursed their exsistance
demanded they leave and never return.
They were confused.
They only wanted to bring joy like before.

One day he welcomed them again.
He embraced each,
Called them by name.
placed them against a wall
Kissed their foreheads gently
looked each one in the eye
And shot them in the head.
He didn't think they needed blindfolds
And he wanted to see the light die out.
Wanted to seem them splattered.

He felt relief.
He felt the lifting of a great weight

He knew it wouldn't stop the visits 

but they'd think long and hard about coming back.
By then he figured he'd be able to tolerate thier presence without it causing his stomach to bleed.

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