Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Still writing which is the main thing. Crunch time at cool so it's making things harder, not to mention several personal issues.
I'm so done these days. Mentally throwing up my hands in surrender but still stumbling doggedly on.
Better days ahead I'm sure.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

19Apr2014 Priest update

Not sure if I mentioned it last time but after talking with Jason I decided not to "Kill the Priest" lol story.
He advised that I judge too harshly and to relax and write.
Good advice. The story itself is good but Priest doesn't seem to fit the lead if that makes sense.
Ive decided to change the perspective and make Chaos the main character. He seemed to be taking over anyway and frankly his perspective is more interesting than Priests at this point.
so... Here goes the umpteenth rewrite. ;)

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

15Apr2014 blocked.

I'm blocked! Every time I try to put words to paper (or it's equivalent these days), I end up stopping or using the "why bother this is crap!" Mantra.

writing has been the lifeline for getting me past my depression and it's still a major salvation. I just feel so drained, like every word takes work, like pushing a great weight.

Going to try switching stories. The "priest" story is still a struggle and is wear. It's pretty ambitious for me in the depth of character department; I can handle that but feels all wrong structurally.
I keep reworking and rearranging those thirty or so pages in the hope that they'll act right!
I have got to shoot it. Maybe admit its a failure and start again.

I'm back on the Hang the hunter follow up for now. It's coming much easier. Maybe fantasy is where I should be instead of pseudo si/fi. Most of my friends think I live in a fantasy world anyway. :)
I should lean into it!