Tuesday, April 15, 2014

15Apr2014 blocked.

I'm blocked! Every time I try to put words to paper (or it's equivalent these days), I end up stopping or using the "why bother this is crap!" Mantra.

writing has been the lifeline for getting me past my depression and it's still a major salvation. I just feel so drained, like every word takes work, like pushing a great weight.

Going to try switching stories. The "priest" story is still a struggle and is wear. It's pretty ambitious for me in the depth of character department; I can handle that but feels all wrong structurally.
I keep reworking and rearranging those thirty or so pages in the hope that they'll act right!
I have got to shoot it. Maybe admit its a failure and start again.

I'm back on the Hang the hunter follow up for now. It's coming much easier. Maybe fantasy is where I should be instead of pseudo si/fi. Most of my friends think I live in a fantasy world anyway. :)
I should lean into it!

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