Saturday, November 18, 2017

18NOV17 update

So, have to be registered next semester to retake the test. Had a long talk with my advisor who was very sympathetic to my situation. Turns out I only have to take one class and its designed to allow me the time needed to study for, and pass, the test.

Things are mostly back on track. I'm still working the dwarf story and its progressing. Funny, you feel like it's going nowhere and want to quit it. But I find by just powering through you get to the light, so it's slowly getting there. Patience is the key. I am more of that than I used to be.

I read a little story of mine yesterday I'd for gotten I wrote. I was surprised to find it pretty good. I usually cringe when reading the old ones, seeing only the huge mistakes. But this one seemed as good, or better than more recent works. Maybe I'm too hard on myself. All these years and I still question the quality of the stories I put out. But I am proud to have written anything. I used to read and think that an impossible goal.

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