Saturday, November 11, 2017

Waiting 11Nov17

In the interest, as always, of keeping things real here, have to talk about school.

First off, I failed the comprehensive exam.

 I know, surprised me too. I was brilliant, dazzled with my responses put my own flair on everything. Bad move. Apparently I should've been thinking more like a professor than a writer. "Too casual" was the major complaint along with numerous grammatical errors. 

Grammar,the bane of my exsistence! 

I'm not sure what this means for my masters. I have to take it again,probably next semester.

On the upside. I successfully defended my thesis. The little story came through! I am going to be a published writer! Yeah, yeah, it's a university press. Fuck that, I did it.

This whole week has been a seesaw of anger and elation. I want to jump for joy and kill. I am one failed overall exam from finishing. How the fuck do you pass all the classes but cannot graduate. Even the assholes who decide on this pass/fail fiasco should realize the flaw in this process.

Done venting. Now it's on to the next story.

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